AmigaOS3.5 (161/967)

From:Blair Wickstrand
Date:4 May 2000 at 09:41:29
Subject:Re: Toaster/Flyer

Hello Billy

On 03-May-00, Billy Horton wrote:
> Hello Alan
> On 03-May-00, you wrote:
>> I've received conflicting reports on use of OS3.5 with
>> Toaster/Flyer systems. Anybody got the straight info?
>> My Toaster/Flyer system is an A2000 with Wildfire '060
>> accelerator.
>> I have boingbag #1 at the ready, also.
> I'm subscribed to 2 Toaster/Flyer mail lists, and I've seen a
> few posts from people who are successfully running T/F's with OS
> 3.5.

Are these problems Flyer specific or would a person running the
Toaster4000 also be affected. What kind of problems are
experienced running under OS35 ?


Blair Wickstrand

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